The graphic production plays a main role in the artist's work.
We can see evident signs of Giuseppe Mentessi's and Cesare Tallone's influence in his drawings . There is also signs of a more than elementary knowledge of Daumier and Gavarni, and an affinity with Xavier de Maistre.
Artist and art critic, Augusto Calabi writes in the magazine Risorgimento Grafico in 1923:
«Sandri's artistic attention has been attracted mainly by man. He has preferred to study the physical aspects, the internal expression and used them pictorially. Tecnically, however, he has chosed the monochromatic drawing complete in itself, in its description and in its oneness».
Primo Sinopico, artist and art critic, writes in a review in 1925:
«In Sandri's work there is a decisiveness and honesty that we can clearly see under a moderate support of sobre light and shade.
The composition and the size are not of simple, quick, theatrical effect, but always classically disciplined and lightened here and there by elegant, suitable details.
The hands and faces of his characters are studied with great love . This is so the expressions can be easily seen . The eye is drawn with great care. It is clearly shaped and light. It expresses the feelings of the soul.
His study of costume, aristocratic decoration and the historical background is exact.
Sandri's works have acquisted simplicity, instant expressivieness and concisiveness. In some of his drawings he even has that touch we can call masterful».